Warbler Guy, which wood-warblers are endemic nesters to the continental U.S.? More specific, which wood-warblers ONLY nest in the USA, and NOT in Canada and Mexico, etc.?

For your first question, Giselle, the answer:

Not many, Giselle — as only the Swainson’s, Virginia’s, Kentucky, Hermit, Golden-cheeked, and Yellow-throated Warbler have breeding ranges limited to areas within the lower 48 state. Golden-cheeked is restricted to nesting ONLY in Texas, but migrates south during the non-breeding season.

To clarify, the Blackpoll Warbler does not qualify as an endemic nester to the continental U.S. because it breeds extensively in latitudes north (and into Canada and Alaska) among places where it breeds in the northern U.S
. and farther north.

(Below photo shows a male Kentucky Warbler.)

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1) Consulting Biologist (and Certified Wildlife Biologist Asc.) — Conducting wildlife and plant surveys for common and special-status species, with federal permits for Ridgway's Rail (formerly CA Clapper Rail), California Tiger Salamander, and California Red-legged Frog, in addition to California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) general scientific permit, and CDFW general plant permit. Secure permits for clients who must comply with local, state, and federal regulatory measures. Since 1998, author of more than 100 Initial Studies, Biological Assessments, EIR "Biological Resource" chapters, habitat alteration plans, and planting plans. 2) Adjunct faculty at Merritt College, teaching all its bird classes to adults (see warblerwatch.com and its "College Classes & Slide Shows" area to note some of my birding class theme options). 3) Birding Guide — Birding Guide in Marin County, Birding Guide in Sonoma County, San Francisco birding guide, and California birding guide. (See warblerwatch.com and click on "Birding Tours" tab.)