Wood-Warblers of the Bay Area

Presented by:
Daniel Edelstein, M.S.
12 Kingfisher Court, Novato, CA 94949 USA
415-382-1827 (voice and fax)


  • Which SF Bay Area birds are some of the most challenging to identify by sight and sound in the field and where may you see them locally?
  • Which bird family members in the Bay Area dazzle our senses with their elegant array of colors (and how many species nest here and in your county)?
  • Which arriving birds in the Bay Area are often considered the most cherished harbingers and symbols of spring?
  • And, last but certainly NOT least: Which Bay Area birds are worth taking a moment to hear as their songs fill our hearts with joyful feelings — and we respond aloud: “beautiful!”

“Wood-warblers” may be your answer to all of these questions – and this one-hour slide show highlights our petite and colorful songsters whose presence adds a dynamic flair to our Bay Area birding lives.

In crafting his program to highlight the wood-warblers in your Bay Area location, Novato-resident Daniel utilizes his long-time familiarity with the birds in our “backyard” and 30+ years of watching wood-warblers throughout the USA to discuss both common and rare wood-warblers.  In so doing, both beginning and advanced birding audiences have enjoyed Daniel’s program in 20+ USA states.

Images of wood-warblers and their corresponding songs complement color-coded range maps that show where each species nests in the Bay Area and spends the non-breeding season.

In addition, audiences learn about the lives of various Bay Area wood-warblers – and, in turn, current long-term bird monitoring programs for land birds/wood-warblers, such as the Breeding Bird Survey, Breeding Bird Census, Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship, and the Christmas Bird Count.

Handouts for this program are provided for you to duplicate (if you wish) — including a five-page packet that features a “Warbler Identification Tips Chart” and information about neotropical/wood-warbler monitoring programs in the field for which attendants may wish to volunteer.

Note the format of this slide show may extend to a longer presentation and/or a birding outing on the ensuing day (after the slide show) may be added.  Daniel also teaches day-long and weekend classes/workshops on this topic, if you wish to provide your attendants with both “indoor” and “outdoor” experiences related to wood-warblers.

In extended programs/classes/workshops, participants may: 1) view videos/DVDs; 2) watch additional slides; 3) receive informational handouts/bibliographies/resources and discuss them as complements to slides/videos/DVDs; 4) analyze sonograms of songbirds/wood-warblers and learn how to “read” them and make their own based on the songs they hear in the field; 5) identify birds and record their songs in the field, and, afterward, analyze them as when they are converted into sonograms.

In sum, day-long/weekend classes in the field focus on distinguishing wood-warblers by their characteristic field mark differences, but special emphasis is reserved for learning the unique song pattern each wood-warbler expresses.  Toward this goal, I focus both indoor activities and outdoor trail time on specific techniques that attendants may wish to employ.  Handouts pinpointed toward improving students’ birding by ear ability are central to Daniel’s teaching style

Contact Daniel to plan the style and format of the wood-warbler slide show and/or class you desire.

Biography of Daniel Edelstein:
Birder, Naturalist, Biologist, and published Science Writer for the last 30 years, Daniel works as a Contract Biologist for environmental consulting firms.  He also teaches in the Oakland, CA-based Merritt College’s Biology Department (www.merritt.edu) as an Adjunct Faculty member. First published in 1981 and the author of two books, his articles have appeared in science books, magazines, newspapers, science Web sites – and, in addition, Daniel maintains a popular Web site (http://www.warblerwatch.com) and Blog site titled “Warbler Watch” (http://warblerwatch.blogspot.com).

To read Daniel’s resume, click here.

For more information and/or to obtain references, please contact Daniel at 415-382-1827 or write him at danieledelstein@att.net.

What are people saying
about Daniel & his programs?
(that he has presented in more than 20 USA states)

“Daniel hears (and identifies) birds that I can’t even see!”
Ron Felzer, Emeritus Instructor in Biology, Forestry and Environmental Studies, Merritt College, Oakland, California

“Daniel’s enthusiasm for warblers is truly infectious.  His Web site and blog are valuable resources for warbler-watchers everywhere.”
Ken Burton, North American Banding Council Education Chairman

 “I thoroughly enjoyed Daniel Edelstein’s birding class and greatly improved my ability to bird by ear!  We definitely plan to have him back to teach again.”
Gary Knoblock, former Executive Director of the Point Reyes Field Seminars adult school, Point Reyes Station, CA

“Daniel has excellent ears and he expertly knows his birds’ songs and calls — and his teaching experience helps others learn the birds that they hear.”
– The venerable and late Paul G. DuMont, bird tour leader for more than 30 years

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the State Parks interpretive naturalists.  Your expertise was impressive and your presentation was enjoyable and filled with information.  I am sure the State Park staff will share this knowledge in public programs.”
Estelle Ruppert, Program Specialist, Bureau of State Parks, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources