Warbler Guy, I recently met you and was intrigued that you mentioned wood-warbler observations from your past Alaska visits….You mentioned heading there again this summer….When are you going and which warblers could you see……or could I see there?

Mary (in Sausalito, CA), depending on where you go birding in Alaska, here’s the typical, annual

nesters in our 49th, Final Frontier (amazing) state:






Northern Waterthrush

have the largest ranges throughout the state….but several other documented sightings of other wood-warbler species occur annually to periodically throughout the region, per this link to a checklist of Alaska (via eBird):

Note the above checklist ALSO lists the “Leaf Warblers” that may occur in Alaska — which is a a different family than the Parulidae family that comprises the vast majority of New World/N. America wood-warbler species.

Now to go birding for rare gull species before they leave for more northern latitude breeding grounds.

Regards, Daniel

Consulting Avian Biologist

(My resume is at my web site: WarblerWatch.com)

Birding Guide

(See “Birding Tours” at WarblerWatch.com)

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About InFact

1) Consulting Biologist (and Certified Wildlife Biologist Asc.) — Conducting wildlife and plant surveys for common and special-status species, with federal permits for Ridgway's Rail (formerly CA Clapper Rail), California Tiger Salamander, and California Red-legged Frog, in addition to California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) general scientific permit, and CDFW general plant permit. Secure permits for clients who must comply with local, state, and federal regulatory measures. Since 1998, author of more than 100 Initial Studies, Biological Assessments, EIR "Biological Resource" chapters, habitat alteration plans, and planting plans. 2) Adjunct faculty at Merritt College, teaching all its bird classes to adults (see warblerwatch.com and its "College Classes & Slide Shows" area to note some of my birding class theme options). 3) Birding Guide — Birding Guide in Marin County, Birding Guide in Sonoma County, San Francisco birding guide, and California birding guide. (See warblerwatch.com and click on "Birding Tours" tab.)